The business of fundraising: get your company involved!
Businesses involved in supporting good causes have greater employee engagement, are better at attracting new talent and have lower staff turnaround. Supporting a charity can also enhance your brand and consumer confidence in your products and services.
How your business could support GUTS:
Annual Charity Day
Your Charity Day could coincide with a national event such Pancake Day or the last working day before Christmas, a local celebration such as a community raft race, or perhaps be a celebration of your company’s ‘birthday’.
Whatever the date, it’s a great way of fostering teamwork and employee relations by encouraging colleagues to organise their own fundraising activities in service of a local good cause. Contact us for any support – including attending on the day – tee shirts and social media shares.
Charity of the Year
Lots of businesses pick an annual Charity of the Year. It can provide a focus for all your social and employee engagement activities and simplifies fundraising efforts through a single good cause for the year. If your employees choose to support GUTS for the year, please get in touch with us so we can thank them and share the good news locally.
Set up a CAF account for tax-efficient giving
A Charities Aid Foundation business account will allow you to donate directly in a tax-efficient way and keep all charitable gifts in one place to ensure they are correctly distributed to the benefiting charities.
Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving is one of the smartest ways for people to give to the causes they care about, straight from their gross earnings on a regular basis. It’s easy for employers to manage so it really is win, win, win for companies, their employees and the benefiting charities.
Gertie Guts Piggy Bank
Can you offer a loving home to a Gerties Guts pig? Our porcine pals don’t take up a lot of room and there is a contactless option for making a donation. They are usually there for small change donations but some offices like to use them to collect penalties for bad language, unhealthy snacking or similar!
Sponsor a GUTS event
We hold a number of events throughout the year attended by large numbers of people from the local community. If you’d like to get involved in sponsoring an entire event or just some element within the event, please get in touch, we’d love to talk to you.
Cause-related marketing
If you have a product that in some way shares an affinity with our aims and work as a charity, cause-related marketing could be of mutual benefit. Usually this will involve twinning up a product or service with GUTS. The charity may benefit from a small donation from sales and exposure to your customers, while your ‘benefit’ is permission to use our branding on your labels or sales material.

As producers of a ‘gut healthy’ product, we are so pleased that GUTS will be benefiting from our sales. It’s a match made in the gut biome!”Good Fermentation Kombucha
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